Honors Council
Henry L. Janssen Honors Council Room
- Love Library-428D
- Monday-Friday
8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. - 619-594-6337
- [email protected]
Active Multidisciplinary Societies
Mortar Board Phi Beta Delta Phi Beta Kappa Phi Eta Sigma Tau Sigma
(official status pending)
The Honors Council is currently not meeting.
Founded in 1989, the SDSU Honors Council (HC) comprises student and faculty representatives of the Weber Honors College and the active campus-wide multidisciplinary honor societies: Mortar Board, Phi Beta Delta, Phi Beta Kappa, Phi Eta Sigma, and Tau Sigma. The purposes of the Honors Council is to:
- act as an advisory and coordinating resource center for the multidisciplinary honor societies on campus;
- promote the specific interests of the above listed honor societies;
- promote the common concerns of all honor societies and honors programs at San Diego State University;
- cooperate with the faculty and administrative officers in developing and maintaining high academic standards;
- recognize students and faculty for their achievements in scholarship, leadership, and service, and
- represent the University’s honor societies on the Associated Students Council.