Phi Beta Kappa
Phi Beta Kappa, Nu Chapter of California
The PHI BETA KAPPA Society was founded in 1776 and is the nation's oldest and most
prestigious academic society for undergraduates who excel in the liberal arts and
sciences. The Greek letters ΦΒΚ stand for Philosophia Biou Kubernêtês, Love of Wisdom, Helmsman of Life. Nu of California Chapter, chartered at San Diego
State in 1974, is one of 293 chapters and the first of only three chapters in The
California State University system
Students do not apply for membership in Phi Beta Kappa; rather, seniors and juniors
are “elected” each spring by resident faculty. This invitation to membership is extended
only once and must be accepted in the semester of election and initiation. Candidates
for Members in Course shall have completed a balanced range of coursework in the liberal
arts and sciences, 90 percent of which shall be letter graded; for juniors this means
at least 75 units and for seniors 90 units. These units shall include at least 45
units earned at San Diego State University, one semester of advanced mathematics,
and proficiency in a language other than English corresponding to a third-semester
university course. Juniors shall have attained at least a 3.75 grade point average
both overall and in the liberal arts and sciences. Seniors shall have a 3.75 grade
point average both overall and in the liberal arts and sciences and shall have completed
the Graduation Writing Assessment Requirement. All candidates shall show depth and
breadth of scholarly interests by the number, variety, and rigor of upper division
courses taken outside their major.
Chapter activities include the annual initiation, at which scholarships for graduate studies are awarded, and supportive interaction with local schools.
Please contact us if you have any questions about Pbi Beta Kappa and membership requirements.
Chapter president is Dr. Kathy S. Williams
Professor Emerita of Biology
[email protected]
Corresponding secretary is Dr. Glen A. McClish
Professor of Rhetoric and Writing Studies
[email protected]