Sigma Tau Delta
SIGMA TAU DELTA, the International English Honor Society, recognizes outstanding students of English language and literature in undergraduate, graduate, and professional studies. Through the work of chapters at more than 500 colleges and universities, the society provides exceptional students with opportunities for advancing the study of language and literature, for developing skills in creative and analytical writing, and for meeting other scholars and professionals in the discipline of English.
Members also have the opportunity to publish their writing nationally in The Rectangle and to compete for writing awards. In addition, members may receive international recognition through academic scholarships, professional internships, and teaching awards. At regional conferences and at the annual international convention, students may present original creative and analytical work and network with students, faculty, and professionals.
Students with a major or minor in English and a minimum GPA of 3.0 are eligible. Membership applications are accepted throughout the year.
The faculty adviser is Dr. Quentin Bailey, [email protected]. Please direct inquiries to the English and Comparative Literature Department office, 594-5307, AL-226.
More information available online by visiting the national website,