Sigma Gamma Tau


SIGMA GAMMA TAU was established as a national organization in 1953. The local chapter was formed in 1980. The purpose of the society is to recognize and honor those in the field of aeronautics and astronautics who have been a credit to their profession through scholarship, integrity, and outstanding achievement. The society seeks to foster a high standard of ethics and professional practices and to create a spirit of loyalty and fellowship, particularly among students of aeronautical engineering. 

Students are invited to join Sigma Gamma Tau for demonstrating distinguished scholarship, professional attainment in Aerospace Engineering, high moral character and a strong interest in Aeronautics and/or Astronautics. Eligible members include students who have completed 3 or more semesters of undergraduate work in an accredited Aerospace curriculum, and who also lie within the upper one-third of the senior class, upper one-quarter of the junior class, or upper one-fifth of the sophomore class. Graduate students must be in good academic standing and have met similar requirements. Election of new members takes place in both fall and spring.

By recognizing this group of young Aerospace engineers, Sigma Gamma Tau seeks to identify those from which the future advances in the profession are most likely to come. Sigma Gamma Tau promotes a better understanding between students and staff, acts as a means of organizing aeronautical and astronautical activities both scientific and social in nature, and in general promotes ethical and professional betterment of the field. Annually, the national society presents one national and six regional honor awards to outstanding members.  

The faculty adviser is Dr. Gustaaf (Guus) Jacobs, Department of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics, 594-4046, ENG-306, [email protected]. 

The website is 

Club email is [email protected]