Eta Sigma Phi
ETA SIGMA PHI, the National Honorary Collegiate Society for Students of Latin and Greek, was established in 1914. SDSU’s Zeta Gamma chapter was chartered in 1989. There are 214 chapters. The society’s purpose is to develop and promote classical studies and closer intracampus and intercampus relationships among students interested in classics. In addition to ancient Greek and Latin, classics includes the literature, history, and art of ancient Greece and Rome. The HSF motto is Filosofoumen kai filokaloumen, “Lovers of Wisdom and Beauty Are We.”
Eligibility includes: good standing, a 3.0 GPA in Classics 303G and 304G or in Classics 303L and 304L, a 3.3 GPA in courses acceptable for the classics major or minor, an overall 3.0 GPA, and the sponsorship of a member of the classics faculty. Ritual initiation in ancient garb occurs each spring, with membership fees donated by The Friends of Classics.
The society cosponsors lectures, cultural events, and social events with Umanisti (students of Classics and Humanities) and The Friends of Classics. Each spring, officers travel to the national meeting.
Dr. E. N. Genovese, Department of Classics and Humanities, is archon basileus (faculty adviser), [email protected].
See the national Web site: